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About us

Who we are

Established in 1959, Consumer NZ is an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to getting New Zealanders a fairer deal.

What we do

  • Test products and services, and recommend which we think are best
  • Investigate issues we reckon consumers need to know more about
  • Mystery shop and survey to keep businesses honest
  • Advise thousands of consumers about their rights and how to exercise them
  • Campaign to get laws and regulations changed to benefit consumers
  • Recommend businesses you can trust

How we test

We commission independent laboratories to carry out our product tests. We also belong to Consumers International which means we can draw on experience and information from consumer organisations around the world.

How we’re funded

Our work is primarily funded via membership. Consumers who pay to access our member-only information and advice, also help fund our research, investigations and campaigns aimed at helping all New Zealanders get a fairer deal. Other funds are sourced from business programmes and contract work, mostly with government agencies. We also rely on donations.


Our in-house verifiers are committed to ensuring that all content published in Consumer magazine and on is accurate and fact checked. We're the only remaining news and investigative organisation in Aotearoa to have a dedicated in-house verifier.

We strive to create unbiased and objective content – whether that's through our investigative writing, test results or market research.

Corrections policy

We stand by our content, but if you have feedback, please contact [email protected]. If we've made an error, we'll be sure to correct this.

How we survey

At Consumer NZ, we undertake extensive research and analysis annually to understand the challenges faced by New Zealanders and to create content and advocacy that best meets public needs. Our in-house market research team conducts a broad range of surveys, from state-of-the-nation studies that are nationally representative, to focussed surveys tapping into our members and supporter base for sector-specific satisfaction ratings.

We collaborate with Dynata – an accredited research panel provider – and our reviews feature only brands that receive 30 or more responses. This data underpins our unbiased ratings and unique insights, ensuring the reliability and relevance of our findings.


At Consumer NZ, we don't accept advertising in our magazine or on our website. We are proudly independent, and our work is largely funded by our members.

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We can't do this without you.

Consumer NZ is independent and not-for-profit. We depend on the generous support of our members and donors to keep us fighting for a better deal for all New Zealanders. Join us today to support our work.


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