Battling with your neighbour over the fence? Who's responsible for trimming trees? Check out our guides to your rights and responsibilities.

Know your consumer rights
Got a problem with a product you bought? Or maybe your flight has been delayed or cancelled? Whatever the problem, we can help.
Building disputes
We lay out the right way to approach grievances, big and small.
Fencing of swimming pools
If you have a swimming pool or spa pool, you are responsible for fencing it to prevent unsupervised access.
Insulation in rentals
Tenancy law requires landlords to have minimum levels of insulation installed in their rentals. Here’s what you need to know as a renter.
Land titles
The Consumer guide to Land Titles.
Legal requirements of building consents
What the owners of residential buildings are responsible for under the building laws, and what work is exempt.
Neighbourhood disputes
Practical solutions for common neighbourhood problems.
Noise control
What are your options if you have noisy neighbours?
Smoke alarms in rentals
Smoke alarms are a lifesaver. And in rentals, they’re a legal requirement.
Who’s liable if tenants cause damage?
Who’s liable if a tenant carelessly, but accidentally, spills red wine on the floor or chargrills the kitchen?

We know your rights
Got a problem with a faulty product, received shoddy service or been misled by a retailer? Our expert advisers can provide clear, practical advice that you can trust.