Find out what to look for and compare 150 models in our database.
Heat your home with the right woodburner. Find the best woodburners in New Zealand with our buying guide and expert picks. See our assessment for freestanding and insert burners from Masport, Yunca, Woodsman and more.
Buy the best woodburner for your home

We asess woodburners to find the best ones for real-world use. We'll only recommend woodburners that you’ll love to own, work well, and will keep working well for a long time.
Whether you need an efficient woodburner for home heating, a stylish addition to your living space, or a budget-friendly option, our assessment will help you find the right one.
Best woodburners of 2024
Top-performing freestanding woodburner
Top-performing built-in woodburner
Best value woodburners
Best wetback model
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What you need to know when buying a woodburner
Choosing the perfect woodburner is a big investment, so it's important to make the right choice. Check out our buying guide for top questions, key features, and other important info.
Freestanding or insert? We explain the difference between a freestanding and insert burner - which one is better?
What size woodburner? We've created a calculator to help you determine what size you need.
Heating capacity: Figuring out the right heating capacity (kW) for your home is crucial. Woodburners can't be controlled like heat pumps. Too small and your home stays cold; too large and it becomes too hot.

Buying firewood: How to get a hot deal
We’ve compared prices for pine, gum, macrocarpa and hotmix. Here’s how to cut costs and buy the best firewood for your home.
Woodburner or pellet burner?
Choosing between a woodburner and a pellet burner for home heating? Woodburners offer charm but produce more emissions, while pellet burners are cleaner and more efficient. Read our pellet burner buying guide to see if it's right for you.

Most reliable heating products
Our annual reliability survey reveals which heating and ventilation products are most reliable. See which brands you should be buying from.
Other heating appliances for your home
Beyond wood burners, if you're looking to warm a small room, consider electric heaters, heat pumps, dehumidifiers, or an electric blanket. These alternatives offer both warmth and versatility for your home's comfort needs.
How we assess woodburners

Testing for emissions, efficiency and power output using AS/NZS 4012/4013 was carried out by an independent lab in New Zealand.
We analyse data from National Environmental Standards (NES) testing to generate scores out of 10 for emissions and efficiency, along with an overall score.

Winter heating guide
Whether you own or rent your home, you can make it warmer and healthier this winter. Our heating guide is full of great tips for staying healthy, warm and cosy in the great indoors.
We've assessed 150 woodburners.
Find the right one for you.